Below is a glossary of terms that are commonly used when discussing ecoremediation.
For a definitions of the affixes used in these terms, click here.
Term | Definition | Primary Affix | Secondary Affix | Alternate Froms |
Bacteriaccumulation | When bacteria accumulate a substance within their biomass. | Bacteri | Accumulate | Bacteriaccumulate, Bacteriaccumulater, Bacteriaccumulated, Bacterioaccumulating. |
Bacteridegredation | The use of either naturally occurring or deliberately introduced Bacteria to degrade or break down molecules. | Bacteri | Degrade | Bacteridegrade, Bacteridegrader, Bacteridegraded, Bacteridegrading. |
Bacteriremediation | The use of bacteria to make an location less toxic. | Bacteri | Remediate | Bacteriremediate, Bacteriremediator, Bacteriremediated, Bacteriremediating. |
Bacteristabilization | The use of bacteria to make a molecule less volatile or bioavailable. | Bacteri | Stabilize | Bacteristabalize, Bacteristabalized, Bacteristabalizer, Bacteristabalizing |
Bacterivolatilization | The use of bacteria to make a molecule less stable or more bioavailable. | Bacteri | Volitilize | Bacterivolitilize, Bacterivolitilized, Bacterivolitilizer, Bacterivolitilizing. |
Bioaccumulation | Bioaccumulation occurs when an organism accumulates, adsorbs, or absorbs a substance into or onto its body, removing it from the general environment. The term: Bioabsorption is sometimes used instead. | Bio | Accumulate | Bioaccumulate, Bioaccumulater, Bioaccumulated, Bioaccumulating. |
Bioaugmentation | Bio | Augment | ||
Bioavailability | How readily a substance is or is not absorbed by living beings. | Bio | Available | Bioavailable |
Biodegradation | The use of either naturally occurring or deliberately introduced organisms to degrade or break down molecules. | Bio | Degrade | Biodegrade, Biodegrader, Biodegraded, Biodegrading. |
Biomagnification | Bio | Magnify | N/A | |
Bioreactor | Any artificial or manufactured device or system that supports a biologically active environment | Bio | Reactor | N/A |
Bioremediation | The use of either naturally occurring or deliberately introduced organisms, or forms of life, to make an location less toxic. This is a catch all term that includes phytoremediation, mycoremediation, zooremediation, and bacteriremediation. | Bio | Remediate | Bioremediate, Bioremediator, Bioremediated, Bioremediating. |
Biostabilization | The use of organisms to make a molecule less volatile or bioavailable. | Bio | Stabilize | Biostabalize, Biostabalized, Biostabalizer, Biostabalizing |
Biostimulation | Bio | Stimulate | N/A | |
Biovolitilization | The use of organisms to make a molecule less stable or more bioavailable. | Bio | Volitilize | Biovolitilize, Biovolitilized, Biovolitilizer, Biovolitilizing. |
Chelation | Chelation is when a molecule makes two or more bonds to a metal ion, thus stabilizing it and making it less bioavailable. | Chēlē | Ion | Chelate, Chelater, Chelated, Chelating. |
hyperaccumulator | ||||
Ecoremediation | Eco | Remediate | N/A | |
mycoaccumulation | When fungi accumulate a substance within their biomass. | Myco | Accumulate | Mycoaccumulate, Mycoaccumulater, Mycoaccumulated, Mycoaccumulating. |
Mycodegradation | The use of fungi to degrade or break down molecules. | Myco | Degrade | Mycodegrade, Mycodegrader, Mycodegraded, Mycodegrading. |
Mycoremediation | The use of fungi to make an location less toxic. | Myco | Remediate | Mycoremediate, Mycoremediator, Mycoremediated, Mycoremediating. |
Mycostabiliization | The use of fungi to make a molecule less volatile or bioavailable. | Myco | Stabilize | Mycostabalize, Mycostabalized, Mycostabalizer, Mycostabalizing |
Mycovolitilization | The use of fungi to make a molecule less stable or more bioavailable. | Myco | Volitilize | Mycovolitilize, Mycovolitilized, Mycovolitilizer, Mycovolitilizing. |
Phytoaccumulation | When plants accumulate a substance within their biomass. | Phyto | Accumulate | Phytoaccumulate, Phytoaccumulater, Phytoaccumulated, Phytoaccumulating. |
Phytodegradation | The use of plants to degrade or break down molecules. | Phyto | Degrade | Phytodegrade, Phytodegrader, Phytodegraded, Phytodegrading. |
Phytoremediation | The use of plants to make an location less toxic. | Phyto | Remediate | Phytoremediate, Phytoremediator, Phytoremediated, Phytoremediating. |
Phytostabiliization | The use of plants to make a molecule less volatile or bioavailable. | Phyto | Stabilize | Phytostabalize, Phytostabalized, Phytostabalizer, Phytostabalizing |
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH's) | ||||
Phytovolitilization | The use of plants to make a molecule less stable or more bioavailable. | Phyto | Volitilize | Phytovolitilize, Phytovolitilized, Phytovolitilizer, Phytovolitilizing. |
Rhizosphere | The rhizosphere is the portion of the soil in which microorganisms and roots interact with each other. | Rhizo | Sphere | N/A |
Rhizoremediation | Rhizoremediation is when an area is bioremediated by due to rhizosphere interations and influences. | Rhizo | Remediate | N/A |
Zooaccumulation | When animals accumulate a substance within their biomass. | Zoo | Accumulate | Zooaccumulate, Zooaccumulater, Zooaccumulated, Zooaccumulating. |
Zoodegradation | The use of animals to degrade or break down molecules. | Zoo | Degrade | Zoodegrade, Zoodegrader, Zoodegraded, Zoodegrading. |
Zooremediation | The use of animals to make an location less toxic. | Zoo | Remediate | Zooremediate, Zooremediator, Zooremediated, Zooremediating. |
Zoostabiliization | The use of animals to make a molecule less volatile or bioavailable. | Zoo | Stabilize | Zoostabalize, Zoostabalized, Zoostabalizer, Zoostabalizing |
Zoovolitilization | The use of animals to make a molecule less stable or more bioavailable. | Zoo | Volitilize | Zoovolitilize, Zoovolitilized, Zoovolitilizer, Zoovolitilizing. |